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Frequently asked questions

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The vegan meal plan contains breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options for every day of the week. Photographs of all meals are provided, and recipes are given where necessary.

The number of calories you need depends on your gender, age, weight and your physical activity level. On average, a healthy woman with a light level of activity needs approximately 2000 kcal a day; a male needs 2500 kcal.

It depends on your current weight and energy requirements. On average, if you want to lose weight at a healthy speed, you have to consume 500 kcal less than your body needs on a daily basis. Hence, as a healthy woman you should consume 1500 kcal, as a male – 2000 kcal. Be sure to check out our Vegan Meal Plan 1500 kcal and our Vegan Meal Plan 2000 kcal.


Definitely not. I’ve tried to make them easy without compromising diversity.

It is not. However, if you are (or plan to become) a strict vegan, be prepared to take your food intake seriously. By this I mean: invest your attention and learn which foods are a major source of quality protein.

For some recipes you need a basic kitchen blender.

Currently, the 1500 kcal, 2000 kcal and 2500 kcal vegan meal plans provided here are the same, but the portions are different.