Cellulite and diet, is there a connection?
This article provides nutrition strategies that can improve the appearance of cellulite.
Cellulite and diet, is there a direct relationship between them? Truth be told, cellulite is a very complex condition that cannot be corrected by the intake of a specific food. But! Do not get discouraged and do read this article till the end. The recommendations given here not only improve the appearance of cellulite but are also good for skin tone and elasticity in general.
What is cellulite?
Basically, cellulite is fat beneath the skin that causes the skin to look lumpy (often compared with orange peel). It is harmless but annoying for most of those who have it. Cellulite is present in 80% to 90% of adolescent and adult women and is one of the most intolerable aesthetic imperfections. It can also affect men but it does not happen as often. The exact origin of cellulite is unknown. It is believed that this phenomenon has several causes, including structural, genetic and endocrine (hormonal) sources. Cellulite arises from a complex series of inflammatory processes in the fatty tissue under the skin. Losing weight is rarely accompanied by a significant reduction in cellulite.
However, certain dietary strategies may lead to improvement of the overall condition of the skin and, consequently, to reduction of cellulite. The next recommendations can improve the appearance of cellulite, especially if you follow them all.
Cellulite and diet: Helpful nutrition strategies
Drink enough water
Water is essential for pretty much all body processes. Lack of water leads to dehydration, whereby the skin loses its tone.
The World Health Organisation recommends consuming 2.2 litres (women) – 2.7 litres (men) of water a day. This includes water derived from all beverages and foods that are consumed during the day. If you drink much less than that, work towards your goal (the goal being drinking more) gradually, adding one extra glass of water a week.
Avoid alcohol
Alcohol is cellulite’s best friend. Why? Firstly, it is very rich in calories and stimulates appetite, leading to weight gain, especially when consumed regularly. Secondly, it can contribute to dehydration and therefore devoid the skin of water. Thirdly, it leads to oxidative processes in the body. Oxidation can lead to chronic inflammation, which is an important factor in the development of cellulite.
Limit consumption of salt
Table salt consists of two parts, sodium and chloride. Excessive sodium intake can lead to oedema. And cellulite, presumably, most often begins with chronic local oedema of the skin.
Limit salt intake to a maximum of six grams per day, which is equal to one teaspoon. Consider the amount of salt you consume with ready-made products. It is estimated that only one fifth of our consumption of sodium comes from the table salt that we add during cooking. The main sources of sodium are bread, processed meats and cheese. For example, 100 g of bread or 50 g of cheese contain 1 g of salt. Other foods rich in salt include bouillon cubes, soy sauce, pretty much all industrially produced dressings and sauces and highly processed fast foods like pizza and chips.
Eat foods rich in potassium
Potassium is responsible for fluid balance within the cells. In principle, all fruits and vegetables contain significant amounts of potassium. In particular, exotic fruits (e.g., mangos, papayas, pineapples) are an excellent source of this mineral. Watermelons, bananas, celery and tomatoes are also a great source of potassium.
Include strawberries, buckwheat and apples in your diet
Strawberry is an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps normal collagen formation. Collagen is a basic building unit of the skin. A 100 g portion of strawberries contains the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C while providing only 35 calories. Other good sources of vitamin C are sorrel, black currants, kiwi, red and orange bell-pepper.
Buckwheat is a unique source of rutin. Rutin is a bioflavonoid that helps the body efficiently use vitamin C to produce collagen. Buckwheat also contains a significant amount of zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin (vitamin B3). All these elements also play a role in maintaining healthy skin.
Apples are the best natural source of the specific type of fibre, pectin. According to the in-vivo (laboratory) experiments, pectin improves skin tone. Eat apples with their peel, as the peel contains rutin (mentioned above).
Summary: whole food diets that are rich in fruit and berries, supported by sufficient water intake and devoid of alcohol are the best diets for toned skin.